Bringing the hope of Jesus through the Rroma-Workers Network, Romania.
About Romania!
Weblinks about România:
Please note that Râmnicu Vâlcea is 9 hours behind Sydney during day light saving (October to April)
and 7 hours behind during the rest of the year (April to September).
As in the example in the video (left), many in Romania cannot even explain the difference between Easter and Christmas, yet they hold strongly to their traditions which include going to the (Orthodox) Church and fasting.
Despite such discouragement, there are encouraging testimonies being made known. Click here to read one such story.
Weblinks about the Rroma People:
Râmnicu Vâlcea
Where is Râmnicu Vâlcea you ask??
Râmnicu Vâlcea is home to approx. 118,000 of Romania's estimated 19 million people. It is the capitol city of the Vâlcea Region and spans 89.5 km².
Surrounded by three of Romania's mountain ranges, the Southern Carpathian, FÓ‘gÓ‘raÅŸ and Lotru Mountains, and divided by the Olt River, Râmnicu Vâlcea sees temperature ranges from -10°C to 38°C.
The Vâlcea Region has the lowest protestant population in Romania, at 0.05%, and continues to decrease.
Weblinks about Râmnicu Vâlcea: